Theory Class & Examination

Music Theory and Solfeggio lessons are held in class on days and times set by the Conservatory. Every student is strongly encouraged to take this course.

One level of theory is given over two terms, starting at the beginning of the odd term and ending at the end of the even term. To take part in the theory subjects, new students must take the theory placement test, as scheduled in the academic calendar.

As a prerequisite for being able to take practical exam, each student must have completed Music Theory and Solfeggio at least one grade below. Example: to be able to take the 5th grade practical exam, students must have completed 4th grade theory or above.

Students are not allowed to take theory class in grades higher than their practical grade.

At the end of each even term, a Theory Qualification Exam is held for students who are required to complete the theory class in order to be able to take the Practical Level Up Exam in that quarter. To participate in the Theory Qualification Exam, students must register with the Administration Department.

There is no additional charge for taking all theory exams (Theory Placement Test, and Theory Exam).